Post of Asia (POA) was an initiative of a few friends from the Columbia University Alumni Club of Asia.
Our vision is defined by the idea that at the beginning of the 21st century, we need not be in New York or London to think globally. It’s about streams of consciousness and not location.
We aim to provide a platform to promote dialogue and understanding which will present all shades of opinion and not to see any as being sacrilegious to questions.
We encourage our writers to be respectfully irreverent and our readers to be tolerant. They need not agree with all thoughts expressed but they should provide broad hospitality to them.
Starting with three dreamers from a storehouse, in 2013, POA has moved on to proper offices and a small dedicated team that works from several cities and connects with writers and readers across the world.
In the last 12 years, POA has published more than 40,000 pieces of news, analysis, and opinion, has been read around 100 million times and almost 50% of its readership is outside Asia, across North America, UK, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East.