Hazrat Ali said that all matters are tunnels before fate. It even (often) kills at the hands of tact. Hazrat Ali fought 80 battles. All were victorious. Hazrat Ali was a man of action. What they say is surprising. It has been debated for thousands of years whether fate or planning is more powerful. Scientifically, it is also debated whether human heritage is more powerful or the conditions and environment in which a person is brought up. It is said that 70% of heredity determines a person’s destiny. If the heredity is weak, no amount of training and environment can bring about a nuclear change in it. Because the influence of training and environment is only 30% on a person.
A person’s genetic code plays a decisive role in his life. This determines how old it will be. How long will he live? What will be the color of his eyes and hair? How tall will he be? The influence of Dadakas will be more dominant or that of Nanaks. Which characteristics will be more common in children? Father’s or mother’s and how much will be the share of grandfather and grandmother or maternal grandparents. These are all defaults. Despite all the scientific progress, there is no change in this yet.
1400 years ago, the slave slave system was prevalent. A slave who was born died a slave and his future generations also remained slaves. They were subjected to all kinds of cruelty. The worst and cruel cruelty. The owner could put them to death at any time, without any reason. The condition of humans at that time was worse than that of animals. There was no question of human rights. Rights belonged only to owners and masters.
There were endless wars and continuous wars because wars were the main source of livelihood and the booty obtained from them including gold, silver, diamonds, jewels, beautiful girls, women, young boys and men were all enslaved. Gold, diamonds, jewels, beautiful girls went to the hands of the great military leaders and the rest went to common soldiers. Daughters of booty kings and chieftains were kept by the conquerors and some were given away as gifts to soldiers whose performance was commendable. The rest of the girls were made naked or semi-naked and made to stand in market squares. Customers would come and grope them like animals and bid for them, thus making a lot of money. At that time, trade in human beings was a popular practice all over the world. This was the time when Islam came into being. The persecution market was hot.
Women were used as slaves, traded from hand to hand. This is how their generations passed. Their children were also born slaves. Slaves used to die. Often the children of these women were taken away from them and sold in the slave markets as it was a profitable business for their ruthless masters. Women were used to produce children and sell them, like animals. When Islam started imposing restrictions on these things in the society, there was an uproar and a storm of opposition came.
Islam said treat the slave slave well. Think of them as human beings. He threatened Allah from oppressing them. He said, feed them what you eat yourself. Take care of their comfort. Don’t bother them. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his Ahl al-Bayt set this example by feeding and dressing them better than themselves. He starved himself and even claimed to be a part of his family. It was unacceptable to the people of Makkah to give a slave the same status as a master. These teachings of the Holy Prophet were unacceptable to the ruling class of Makkah. Their system, in which their monarchy had been based on the enslaved people for generations, was in jeopardy. So a conflict started.
The struggle against tyranny has been going on for thousands of years in the form of various revolutions and uprisings. In spite of all the terrible oppression and oppression, a helpless person is still offering his life for true freedom. All the religions that came to the world before Islam had the goal of liberating the large number of people from the slavery of a handful of masters. It was an ancient empire. Today’s modern imperialism is imposing the worst slavery on the people of the world with modern tactics. Global imperialism America has made it seemingly invincible by the nexus of the world’s local empires.
Helpers of global and local empires are also from the people. Therefore, whenever there is a war of freedom between the ruling classes and the people, they immediately enslave their genetic code and betray their own class, and salt the ruling classes of their time. From the ancient times to the modern era, there are not millions but millions of such traitors in history. But their end is the dustbin of history. Now we reconsider the saying of Hazrat Ali that all matters are tunnels before fate. There was no personal interest in the eyes of Hazrat Ali. He rose to the post of Shahadat, only wanting to change the system through a strategy.