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On the basis of what religion do Bangladeshi Muslims like and dislike India and Pakistan? This report is surprising

On the basis of what religion do Bangladeshi Muslims like and dislike India and Pakistan? This report is surprising

Bangladesh News: Pakistan and Bangladesh are coming closer amidst increasing distance with India. Mohammad Yunus government ordered sugar and weapons a few days ago and also gave relaxation in visa requirements to Pakistanis. Are Bangladeshis also thinking in the same way regarding the stance of Mohammad Yunus government regarding both the countries? A survey was conducted in Bangladesh regarding this and very shocking figures have emerged. 

For Bangladeshis both India and Pakistan are equal. Even in the eyes of Bangladeshi Muslims, there is no difference in the images of the two countries, there is a positive opinion for both. VOA Bangla had released a survey report on Saturday (December 7, 2024), in which Bangladeshis were asked questions about India, Pakistan, America, Britain, China, Russia and Myanmar and were asked to give ratings on a scale of 1 to 5. It was said. Giving a rating of 1 and 2 means that you like that country, while a rating of 4 and 5 means that you do not like it.

Which country do Bangladeshis like the most?
59 percent of the people surveyed liked Pakistan, while 53.6 percent of Bangladeshis liked India. The most favorite country of the people of Bangladesh is America, which is liked by 68.4 percent people. After that, China is at second place with 66 percent people’s choice, while Russia is at third and Britain is at fourth place. 64 percent people like Russia and 62.7 percent people like Britain. The least number of people liked Myanmar. Only 24.5 percent people like it, while those who dislike it are 59.1 percent.

Which country is more favorite among India and Pakistan?
Which country among India and Pakistan is disliked more by Bangladeshis, then India got more votes in this. There are 28.5 percent people who dislike Pakistan, while 41.3 percent dislike India. If we look at the like scale, though there are more people who like Pakistan, but if we look at it on the basis of age and gender then the figure is completely different. That means youth like Pakistan more, but adults chose India. Similarly, men liked Pakistan and women liked India. At the same time, Bangladeshi Muslims have also given almost equal ratings to India and Pakistan. However, there is a huge difference in the figures of non-Muslims like Hindus, Buddhists and Christians for both the countries.

How many Bangladeshi Muslims like India?
If we talk about Bangladeshi Muslims, 50.7 percent like India and 60.1 percent like Pakistan. If we look at this figure, the difference is very less. This means that the people there did not vote on the basis of religion. If this had been the case then perhaps those who liked Pakistan could have been 90 percent or even more. 44.2 percent Muslims disliked India, while 4.2 percent non-Muslims also disliked it. Whereas, 90.1 percent non-Muslims like India and 44.1 percent like Pakistan.

How many Bangladeshis like Pakistan?
47.8 percent people between the age of 18 to 34 years like India and 49.3 percent dislike it. At the same time, 59.8 percent of the population above 35 years of age likes India, while 35 percent does not like it. 52 percent men and 55.3 percent women liked India, while 64.4 percent men and 53.2 percent women voted for Pakistan. 

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